Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Harvesting Freshness

Tomorrow is the first day of Summer, and Thursday June 21st is our third food box delivery of the season!  It wasn't long ago when we were looking through the seed catalogs and ordering our seeds for the season, with snow on the ground.  In March we started our tomato and pepper plants and now today we are transplanting them into the field.  This time of year is a busy one for farmer's with the planting of transplants or direct seeding.  The May long weekend is when we seeded our squashes and pie pumpkins and English Cucumbers.  This past weekend we transplanted the squashes and pie pumpkins in the field.  The soil is warming up but we could use some moisture now to continue nuturing the plants as they establish their roots.

This is our fifth year of the LOFT Food Box, and it is great to be able to bring you the fresh organic produce we grow on our farms.  If you haven't placed your order to receive the LOFT box you may still sign up.

Just send an email request to localorganicfoodteam@gmail.com and we will forward you the details.


  1. It is great to eat farm fresh. The freshness and pureness of that food can never be purchased from any market. Fresh food helps you in improving your digestive system.
    Organic Food

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